Birth: November 23, 1992
Height: 1,65 m.
Weight: 50 kg.
250XP 2 Sessions
Ms Cyrus arrived this morning to the hospital because she's been vomiting last night after dinning in a famous restaurant. She's very worried because tonight she presents the MTV music awards and she doesn't have energy.
Miley has ingested two eggs, 200 grs. of meat and a salad for dinner last night (maybe the food wasn't fine).
Work in teams to create an infographic and a presentation.
Content and delivery of the infographic (50XP):
✓ Hand your infographic on an A3 sheet. You can draw it or use the collage technique to build it.
✓ The infographic should include name of the different parts of digestive system, including digestive tube and annex glands.
✓ Brief description of the main characteristics and functions of every element in the infographic.
✓ Write at the back the TC_rubrics for task solving.
Content and delivery of the presentation (200XP):
✓ SLIDE 1. COVER: Case name and full name of all group components (10XP)
✓ SLIDE 2. Scheme up all processes taking part in each organ of the digestive system. (60 XP)
✓ SLIDE 3. Miley had a colon cancer 3 years ago and her colon was surgically removed. Make an internet search to explain how Miley's surgery and how her intestine could be like now (include webgrafy in the slide) (40 XP)
✓ SLIDE 4. Explain the difference between food poisoning, allergy and intolerance (50 XP)
✓ SLIDE 5. DIAGNOSIS: After all the inquiries, doubts are between food poisoning, allergy and intolerance. Explain what kind of test should you order to decide the diagnostic. (40 XP)
✓Save your presentation as .pdf with the name CASE 1_team number.
✓Upload both the .ppt and the .pdf files to sallenet.
Write only technical words on the presentation.
Include drawings when possible.
Task / Slide undone => 30 XP points less.
Evaluation rubrics.
You will have a written test about digestive system. So, work hard.